Iate Clube do Rio de Janeiro - Dias 25 e 26 de maIo de 2013
Results as of 18:54 on May 26, 2013 - FINAL
Sailed: 4, Discards: 0, To count: 4, Entries: 9, Scoring system: Appendix A
Class. Velejador Barco Club SailNo R1 R2 R3 R4 Total s/desc.
1st Lucas Farina S. de Andrade Alves SEM NOME ICRJ 195406 1 1 1 1 4
2nd Ricardo Luz SEM NOME ICRJ 125875 2 3 2 3 10
3rd Alexandre Schott SEM NOME CNC 202034 3 4 3 2 12
4th Gabriella Kidd PENG ICRJ 202050 4 2 4 10 DNC 20
5th Katerina Kotikova LELLA CRG 202033 5 6 5 10 DNC 26
6th Luis Albino MERRECA CRG 110174 6 5 10 DNC 10 DNC 31
7th Pedro F. Mandarino CARAMELO ICRJ 180888 10 DNC 10 DNC 10 DNC 10 DNC 40
7th Francisco R. T. Nascimento JUNO II GVEFOMM 6 10 DNC 10 DNC 10 DNC 10 DNC 40
7th Erick Maia Nansara CYGNUS I GVEFOMM 148955 10 DNC 10 DNC 10 DNC 10 DNC 40